Adventures of the Super-hero Boys Club and their zany,loving sidekick~ Mom

Saturday, November 14, 2009

My New Business~ "A Little Bit"

Wow!! So much has gone on since I last typed an entry here... Britt played in a local soccer club as Goal-keeper and did a great job, Shalin has been busy as ever fixing other's computers and at work, and I have been looking for a P-time job while Britton is in school.... no such luck, so I decided to start my own jewelry business, called "A Little Bit". Here's the bio on my facebook account about it which I hope will give you a little more insight into the heart behind the business:

I will only be designing and making this jewelry as gifts for family, friends and friends of friends. This business was started to share the immense and beautiful love that has been given to me unconditionally over the years. Through all of my struggles, God, my friends and my family have been there to support, encourage and to love Britton and I!!

Each piece will be prayed over in hopes that the receiver of it will be blessed in a special way that only God could know about. I have a beautiful "little bit" friend, Olivia Hartig, who is a special needs baby who will be receiving a portion of my proceeds. The company is called "A Little Bit" , because each piece can have it's own meaning for the person who is going to be wearing it... a little bit of HOPE.. a little bit of PEACE.. a little bit of JOY... a little bit of STRENGTH... you get the idea.. and your purchases go towards a VERY special "little bit" (Olivia). She has such a soft spot in my heart and everything I make I strive to make it special and unique- just like God made her!! :)

I look forward to sharing my new venture with you and for you to share "A Little Bit" of God's love with others!!

"Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Give thanks no matter what happens. "
I Thessalonians 5: 16-18

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