Adventures of the Super-hero Boys Club and their zany,loving sidekick~ Mom

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Britt's Best Friend Spends the Night

They were pretending to be Jedis and drive this fierce Star Wars Space Ship. (aka: an inflatable bed that took me an HOUR to blow up with an itty bitty hand pump- OH, the things that you do for your kids!!) Britton has been so stoked that his best friend was coming for a sleep over!! They have played Legos, played Legos and MORE legos, had a pillow fight, played magnetic darts, watched cartoons, fed live flies (I know- gross don't ask.. you should have seen them chasing them around the house with the fly swatter and attempting to catch them bare-handed like they were on Karate Kid) to Herman and know they are playing Sonic Heros on the PS2. I wonder how long it will take Britt to come down off of this high??!! :)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

This one's For Grandma

This video is especially for Britton's Grandma, Sandy. She's in Atlanta supporting and encouraging Britton's Uncle Craig at an amazing Rehabilitation Center. When I was in Columbia, my friend, Lisa and her girls, captured the newest additions to our family, the triplets.
Britton affectionately named them, (from biggest to smallest) Cooper, Tarzan and Tickle. "Tickle because he's smaller than a nickel and little things tickle you". :) We miss you Grandma!! See you soon!!

Herman comes home

Okay-- so here it goes, Britton went to Disneyworld with his Dad (had an absolute blast!!!), I went to Iowa to visit Shalin and Herman went to Columbia to stay with my very good friend, Lisa and her three amazing girls. There Herman was taken great care of by Emily, Ashley and Olivia. :) THANKS Sweethearts!! But as we all know, it feels incredible to come home from a trip (no matter how great it was) and sleep in our own beds. Well... Herman was so hilarious when I put him back in his tank at our house that he wouldn't stop swimming and chasing my finger. I captured it on video!! Enjoy- our animated tortoise!! :) So stinking funny!!!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Prayer for our sweet Baby Olivia

Please join me in praying for Brooke and Phil's newest addition to their family, Olivia Caroline. She is doing great overall, however she is continuing to lose weight. Please pray that she will start gaining weight and that Brooke will feel an outpouring of peace about the health of her little angel. I can't wait for you all to meet her!! She is amazing and beautiful and has stolen my heart!! :) Look out Shalin! :)

Monday, September 8, 2008

The Heart Rock

This is a little rock that Britton gave me one day last week. He gives me alot of silly things that he finds.. I remember him telling me while I was e-mailing at work that it was in the shape of a heart and I gave him a wink and a nod and put it on my keyboard.
I was praying just now and I looked down and saw that rock sitting there. How perfect and beautiful it is. I have a friend who's little sweet boy is suffering from stage 4 cancer. This simple rock was a reminder to me of the little moments that we take for granted. Hold extra tight to your little blessings today that God has given you. I know that I will be hugging Britt a little longer than usual and thanking him for my "heart" rock.

September's Verse (I am so slack- I didn't have one for August)

"The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks." Luke 6:45 (NIV)

We had an unusual Monday Morning Visitor, at 3 am this morning I wasn't exactly thrilled to find a slimy,little, green friend on the floor IN MY HOUSE....however, it sure did thrill Britton!!! As a matter of fact, when I told him that I had a "surprise" for him that was a part of the amphibian family, he nearly knocked me over while running into the kitchen to meet him. I won't begin to bore you with the silly details involving his capture (Although I am sure if someone would have filmed me barefooted jumping around in my pj's, I would have won a million bucks! Darn, why didn't I wake up the neighbors?). Britton was uber stoked to find this tree frog still in the rubbermaid container on the counter(that I topped with two china bowls to keep him from jumping out).

Thank goodness I was able to convince him to set him free so that he could be with "his friends in nature" (that was an interesting debate- I assure you). When Britton released him in the front yard, the poor thing's back legs were so tangled up in my hairs (must have been hopping around in the bathroom) that he couldn't jump. So, of course, Britton immediately began to untangle him and helped him "go home". It was the sweetest sight seeing Britton releasing the frog!! (and a relief that he didn't fight me to make him brothers with Herman, our turtle.

As we were driving to school, we talked about what a great and special thing that Britton had done, and I asked Britton if he had named the frog. In his ever-so-hilarious way, he replied "Of course I did Mommy, his name is Hairball and I hope he's there when we get home today!!" CRACK ME UP!!
I hope you have a great day, "Hairball"!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Need Your Prayers

I need you to all please join me in praying for three very special miracles for three very precious people. The first is for my brother-in-law, Craig Avery, who is fighting for his life at MUSC after sustaining a fall which resulted in a severe brain injury. Please pray for perfect healing in Craig and strength for Britton's grandparents and my friends, Nick and Sandy.

Next, please pray for our friends, The Freers. Their three yr. old son, Ethan, was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma over the weekend and starts his first round of chemo this week. Please pray for Ethan to be brave and for him to be healed in Jesus'name.

Also, would you please pray for the Osborne family and their son, Caden. Caden has DiGeorge Syndrome and is currently scheduled for heart surgery in October, but was admitted to the hospital for a high fever with unknown origin. Please pray that the doctor's will be able to determine what is causing this fever and that this will not interfere with his scheduled surgery.

We all know that God is in control in each and everyone of these critical situations...that His plan is perfect and that He is our only source of strength. Please pray that these families will feel His ever-powerful, healing touch today!!