Adventures of the Super-hero Boys Club and their zany,loving sidekick~ Mom

Monday, March 16, 2009

Britt's new moves!!

We wanted to get Britton out of the house and active this winter, so we signed him up for Tae Kwon Do at the Martial Arts Center on Main St. It is a great program that teaches him the characteristics of Integrity, Patience, Honesty and Manners along with some pretty cool defense moves. :) (most of which he loves to practice on me) It has also been a great opportunity for him to meet some other kids his age. He is working on moving from a white belt to a yellow belt. GO BRITT!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Insert fast forward here....

Okay-- so alot has happened since my last posting... the engagement and the waiting to be a family is now over!!! YAY!! Shalin and I were married on New Year's Eve at my church in SC and have moved and settled in as a family here in Iowa. Yes.. I know what you are thinking... Its Super COLD in Iowa and you would be correct!! It hasn't been all that bad.. Britton and I have adjusted quite quickly and have learned that the necesseties of being warm (layering your clothing-thanks Uncle Morris for that one- , wearing a hat, gloves, scarf and a lined coat & drinking hot chocolate or coffee). I am homeschooling Britt until the end of the year. It has been equally challenging and entertaining. Anything having to do with Britt and I being put together for hours and having to sit still is generally entertaining on some wacky level. HA He is doing surprisingly well with all of the transition and is loving the flexibility of school at home or in the car or anywhere... The snow was loads of fun for Britt!! He built his very first snowman, snow fort and tunnels the first few weeks we were here!! He was obsessed with pelting his Mom with snowballs too!! Gotta love my boy! Anyhew..I could go on and on about our smooth transition here, but it would take me forever and I wouldn't be getting any school work done. I will simply say that the warmth of the new friends and family here and the gigantic heart of my sweet husband have welcomed us to Iowa in a way that I couldn't have ever asked for or imagined. I am so thankful for all of the many blessings that God has given our new family... they are truly immeasureable! My cup is overflowing!