Adventures of the Super-hero Boys Club and their zany,loving sidekick~ Mom

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I woke up this morning (at 3:30 am might I add) with loads and loads on my brain.... as I tossed and turned as we all do when we can't sleep and DESPERATELY want to.. I kept going back to the things that helped me sleep when I was younger (woah..that was a major run on sentence). I tried counting things... people I love, things that make me smile, food I am grateful for (that was a long one), sheep... ha.... nothing seemed to work. (I even called my fiance who so sweetly and patiently tried to coax me through from 1200 miles away) So, I got up out of bed...made the proverbial pot of coffee and sat down at my laptop to attempt to unload all of the thoughts on my sad, little, over-tired brain.
When I was finished.. I went into my personal e-mail (yes -there is an e-mail outside of *HA) and actually read (the whole thing--- not just skipping to the bottom) and replied to my friends' e-mails. As I did, I came across a post from a new friend's blog that reminded me that we shouldn't worry so much about the trivial things... like will we or won't we be able to paint a turtle mural on the toddler room wall (toddlers don't care about the walls..they only care about the Ritz crackers) or did I leave Britton's basketball shoes at the school (he has 3 other pairs of regular tennis shoes) or am I really getting gray hairs in my bangs (and YES- I am and I'm only 34) or do I use too many ellipses when I type (yes.. I know.. I do that too). HA..... so many things to worry so ridiculously about!!
I'll just simply say that I was reminded that none of those things really matter if we have hope..hope in the certainty that our Jesus is coming in His love that redeemed us... and joy in knowing that our King is in control of our every thought even before we have it! It's so much easier to start my day (and hopefully to sleep tonight) reminded that my life is secure in Father.
He knows every hair on my head...even the gray ones. :)